Cast-A-Ways Fishing League Rules

Below are the proposed rules for the 2025 season. Will be finialized at the kick off party.

2025 Cast-A-Ways Fishing League

Welcome to the 2025 Cast-A-Ways Fishing League!

We have another exciting year upon us! The spirit of this league is about having fun with family and friends! While we all want to “win” this is league is designed to be competitive, but fun! We generally jump in and help each other out at the weigh in and boat launch. It is everyone's responsibility to understand and know the laws. Remember it is everyone's own responsibility to make sure you are following the rules. We will fish 10 Monday nights and one end of the year tournament with a fish fry. 

Membership & Dues

Cast away members will need to pay their dues of $120 per team prior to the first night of fishing.  $10 each week 10 Mondays and EOTY ($110). There is a $10 fee added for supplies like trophies, fish fry stuff, and equipment. The total due is $120 per team for the whole year.  Dues should be paid to Ryan Churchill and will be held in a bank account setup exclusively for our league. Cash/Check Paypal or Venmo is accepted. Note: If you pay electronically you will need to pay the processing fee of $5.00 ( Total of $125.00). Dues are required to be paid prior to fishing on the first night. Failure to do so will remove you from the league and a team on the wait list will be invited. If you plan to pay at the dock the first night please make sure you ok it with Ryan. 

Please contact Ryan if you have any questions. (218)316-4445. No refunds will be issued for any reason unless we do not get a minimum of 5 teams signed up. Teams must register online. Teams must have a boat with a live-well, and a fish weight bag to participate.

We will have a maximum of 15 boats/teams. Previous year teams have priority until the lake draft date. After that we will go off our waiting list, and then open it up to first come first serve. Teams may substitute a member provided one of the original team members are present. Children 15 and under are not counted as team members. You may also elect to be a team of one. Your dues are paid out as prizes (see below).

Drop-ins will NOT be allowed this year. However subs are still allowed and encouraged. We encourage all members to bring people to fish with them. If you have an opening or would like some help in finding subs contact Ryan. 

Payouts (100% of dues are paid back out as cash prizes)

Payout based on # of registered teams taken from $10 per boat paid from dues.

The breakdown from each boat ‘s $10 per week is as follows:

  • $1 is added to the yearly points champion
  • $0.50 Big Fish Pot Yearly.
  • $0.50 Big Fish Pot Weekly. Each week will have a different species determined during the lake draft at the kickoff party.
  • $5 goes to first place each week from each boat’s dues.
  • $2 Goes to Second place each week from each boat’s dues.
  • $1 Goes to Third place each week from each boat’s dues.

Yearly Points Champion

This score is calculated by taking the total points from your 9 top events. Meaning each team will have two weeks that is not counted toward their total. The end of the year tournament is counted as one of your weeks.

Big Fish Pots Yearly

The winner of this pot will be whoever catches the largest legal fish of each species. Size is determined by length. If there is a tie, the first fish caught will be announced the winner. We have biggest Pike, Walleye, Bass and Youth.

Big Fish Weekly

Each week a Big fish species is selected. The largest fish of that species wins the pot. If no fish from the selected species are caught, the largest fish of the night is selected. Size is determined by length. If there is a tie, the pot will be split.

LakeLady Fisherperson of The Year Award

LakeLady rods has agreed to supply a $500 gift card towards a custom hand made fishing rod of your choice, if you are chosen as the fisherperson of the year. To qualify your team must fish every single event including the optional weekend and turn in at least one scorable fish (rough fish do not count). If your team qualifies, all rostered members will receive an entry ticket. The winner will be drawn at our end of the year fish fry. You must be present to win the gift certificate. 

Additional Bonus Points 

  • 1 bonus point given each week you attend. Maximum of 11 points on the year. They are counted towards the points championship.


Below you will find the schedule for this year.  This list is subject to change (Only with approval from league commissioner) and will be updated on the Facebook group and on this page. The schedule is based off other fishing leagues and tournaments to avoid fishing pressure.

  • April 7th - Kick off party at Dunmires 6:00 PM
  • Week 1 June 2nd  
  • Week 2 June 9th 
  • Week 3 June 16th
  • Week 4 June 23rd 
  • Week 5 July 7th
  • Week 6 July 14th
  • Week 7 July 21st
  • Week 8 July 28th
  • Week 9 August 4th 
  • Week 10 August 11th 
  • EOTY Championship  August 23rd.

Weather Cancellations
If fishing is canceled due to weather, we will no longer have a make up week. All prize money for the canceled event will be added to the end of the year tournament prize pool. Cancellations will be posted on the Facebook page 1 hour prior to launch. 

Everyone is responsible for knowing all laws/restrictions.
All Minnesota fishing regulations will apply!

Trophy Fish Verification. If you have a fish that you are concerned may die, is a trophy fish or simply does not fit in your live well.  Please find another boat in the league to verify the length visually. Make sure to note the verifier when it comes to weight in to confirm your fish.  If another boat cannot be found quickly you can submit the fish via text. To do so,  please take 2 clear photos of the fish on the ruler, and with the person holding the fish then text it to Ryan 218-316-4445 so it can be counted. The text must include name of who caught it, team name, species, and length. 

Additional Rules

  • Maximum of 3 adults per boat. There is no limit to minors (15 and under) and are allowed to fish.
  • All communication will come through this website or our Facebook group at (please invite anyone interested).
  • You may fish solo in a boat if you choose.
  • Payouts are done weekly except the yearly prizes. Can be paid cash or venmo/paypal. 
  • May fish any connecting body of water from chosen lake (must follow rules and slots, if you can legally fish within our point system, you can fish for the species) (example, no slot for pike on Gull but there is a slot on Round. This rule allows you to follow the laws and drive to Gull and fish where there is not a slot and score them at the end of the night)
  • Fish other than Muskies that are inside of a slot must be released at once and will not count for points. Muskies can be measured electronically using the trophy verification process and released immediately.
  • Team will be disqualified for the day if breaking a State or league fishing regulation or caught cheating.
  • Commissioner reserves the right to do random live-well checks.
  • Take off time can be a maximum of 15 minutes early provided all boats are on the water at the commissioner's direction.
  • If you are unable to make an event please message Ryan prior to the event so we do not wait around if not necessary.  
  • All voting will be done by boat captains. (1 per team).


  • Scoring will be done at the end of fishing. If you drafted a lake you are responsible for scoring. You will be required to come in 15 minutes early. Ryan will keep the table and ruler in the back of his truck.  Ryan or Amanda will write down scores, add up totals and pay. No scoring on the water unless it is a trophy and subject to that process. 
  • Each team can score up to 6 fish per night with a maximum of 4 for any species.
  • Each team can only bring in 6 game fish for measurement. If more than 6 fish are brought in only the first 6 measured will be scored.
  • Rough Fish – limit 1 - Any legal size 1 point will be added to your score. Must show at weigh in. Does not count toward the 6 fish total. (Crappie, perch, rock bass, bull head, catfish etc..)
  • All fish must be alive to receive points.
  • Big fish pots are measured by length and entries must be requested at time of weigh in.
  • If a team catches a fish from each species (Walleye, Bass and Northern) they will be awarded 5 additional points for a species slam.
  • Muskie Rule: If you catch a muskie, they are required to be measured using the trophy fish verification process outlined above. Scoring is 2 points for Muskie under 26 inches.  Muskie 26-44 are worth 6 points and Muskie over 44 inches will be given 10 points. Muskie over 54 are considered trophy and worth a total of 15. Muskie can count as a pike for species slam purposes.
  • Ties in total points at end of night will be broken by adding the number of 5-point fish for the night. The most 5-point fish will win. If still tied, flip a coin. Ties can also be resolved by splitting the prize money if both sides agree.
  • Walleye Limit Rule: If all boats have two or more licensed fisherman, you can only bring in a max of 2 Walleye over 20 Inches. If we have a boat fishing solo, then all boats that night are limited to one walleye over 20 inches.
  • Trophy Bonus Points.  Get 5 extra points if you catch a trophy fish!  Walleye 28 inch+  Pike 36 inch+  Bass 21 inch+ Musky 54 inch +

SCORING BREAKDOWN  - (Trophy)  scores include the 5 trophy bonus points.


  • 13-15 = 2 Points
  • 15-17 = 3 Points
  • 17-21 = 5 Points
  • 21+ = 10 Points  (Trophy) 


  • 13-16 = 2 Points
  • 16-18 = 4 Points
  • 18-28 = 5 Points
  • 28+ = 10 points (Trophy) 


  • 18-20 = 2 Points
  • 20-22 = 3 Points
  • 26-36 = 6 Points
  • 36+ = 10 Points (Trophy) 

Rough Fish 

  • 1 point 

Muskie  (Must use the trophy fish verification process) 

  • Under 26 = 2
  • 26-44 = 6 points
  • 44-54 = 10 points
  • 54+ = 15 points (Trophy) 




We are all sportsman, no one likes seeing a dead fish pulled out of a live-well! Some fishermen elect to keep fish, so please ask before you release to make sure no one wants them.

ALL FISH ARE EVALUTATED BY LENGTH. We do not weigh any fish!



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